Какие преимущества дает установка автомобильной камеры?

Какие преимущества дает установка автомобильной камеры?

Мар 16, 2021

В нынешней ситуации передовых технологий и оборудования, постоянное совершенствование технологий вождения может избавить вас от некоторых ненужных неприятностей. Установка Автомобильная камера может записывать все происходящее.

1. Визуальная система заднего хода заднего вида.

It is very cautious for veterans to drive a car to turn around or park in a garage. For novices, it’s even more frightening. I often see those cars with novice labels attached to the road, and the back is always scarred, so this is a very necessary thing to build a visual rear-view system, which is combined with infrared detection to form an image. , The sound feedback at the same time, the vision is as wide as driving to the front. It is not the same if the car reversing camera is installed. With the reversing image, you can observe the situation behind the car and help me adjust the driving in real time.

Автомобильная камера

2. Бортовая камера может записывать и записывать в режиме реального времени.

Real-time video recording, this is the most important and the most important. As long as the Автомобильная камера is connected to a small host computer to form a monitoring system, the whole driving process is equivalent to the "black box" we often hear. The occasional problems of individual friction between the party and vehicles are important evidence. This kind of original video recording, like a movie, shows the recorded events. , A small Автомобильная камера, the driving experience brought to us is fun, safe and assured.

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